Jean Marcel


how to Identify, Prevent & Manage

Workplace Harassment & Bullying

Governments and Boards recently highlighted the need for effective and efficient Identification, Prevention, and Management of Workplace Bullying and Harassment. It highlighted the need for conflict resolution at local level and as an early intervention.

I have facilitated discussions between employees, managers and directors as well as providing them training in how to Identify, Prevent and Manage Bullying & Harassment in the workplace. By the end of our workplace training, participants were able to:

  • Recognise and diagnose potential causes of conflict in specific contexts
  • Identify and recognise the key stages and levels of conflict
  • Define conflict resolution and describe the key principles of conflict resolution
  • Identify and distinguish between a range of dispute resolution techniques and strategies
  • Conduct a Facilitated Discussion between parties in dispute
  • Assist parties develop a meeting agenda, time frame and desired outcomes
  • Apply communication techniques to facilitate discussion, including, questioning, summarising, reframing, passive and active listening
  • Assist disputing parties reflect on their personal contribution and impact in a conflict situation
  • Assist parties explore and share understandings of their issues
  • Assist parties craft an agreed resolution to issues
Conflict Resolutions


Conflict Resolution

We provide interactive workplace training in how to Identify, Prevent and Manage conflicts at your workplace under current WHS Act and state laws. Participants will gain life skills which greatly improve relationships. 

Learn to discuss, agree, avoid heightened negative emotions, escalating conflicts, and wasting precious money and energy. Gain a better understanding of Bullying behaviours and how to take action immediately under the Whistle Blowers and WHS Acts. 

  • Construction Industry personnel to meet NSW Tendering requirements.
  • 2 competency Certificates are provided after successful completion of 1 day training
  • Workplaces who care for productive, harmonious, and safe workforce
  • Managers and Directors who wish to upskill and become responsible and capable leaders of their domain
  • Teachers and Principals of schools who wish to educate their students about peaceful resolutions, as well as gain a better understanding of their own responsibilities, when dealing with students, parents, and others wor


Alternative Dispute Resolution

Mediation is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), which enables the parties to resolve a dispute without going to court. Also known as Family Dispute Resolution (FDR), mediation is conducted by a trained and registered mediator.

I am qualified in areas of Law, Psychology and Conflict Resolution. I am registered with the Attorney General’s Department and qualified to issue Section 60i Certificates. The mediator assists both parties to reach an agreement.

  • Construction Industry personnel to meet NSW Tendering requirements.
  • 2 competency Certificates are provided after successful completion of 1 day training
  • Workplaces who care for productive, harmonious, and safe workforce
  • Managers and Directors who wish to upskill and become responsible and capable leaders of their domain
  • Teachers and Principals of schools who wish to educate their students about peaceful resolutions, as well as gain a better understanding of their own responsibilities, when dealing with students, parents, and others
Alternative Dispute Resolutions